Early Morning Studio are delighted to unveil Vendir: Plague of Lies, an old-school party based RPG set in the dark and atmospheric world of Vendir, coming to console, mobile and PC in 2022. The game’s new reveal trailer gives players an enticing taste of what’s to come in this title that builds on Early Morning Studio’s established RPG-pedigree to deliver tactical initiative-based combat, a cast of fascinating characters to recruit and interact with, and a rich and storied world to explore. 

Set in the gruesome world of Vendir, where the royal family make money from child slavery, the economy of whole towns rides on selling severed chunks of dead bodies and warfare is as common as rain, this is not an RPG where you’ll be taking on the role of an epic hero. Instead, you’ll be crawling your way out of the gutter of poverty, plague and destitution. 

Taking on the role of a character who receives a message asking for aid from their sick and elderly mother, you will be thrust into danger in a kingdom where the slightest of crimes are met with the most torturous of punishments. Worse yet, the tyronous King Elrik has forbidden anyone to leave the city ever again, leaving you with a long and arduous quest that will put you in conflict with the brutal power that oversees Vendir’s misery.

Drawing on the rich-history of classic RPGs, Vendir: Plague of Lies party-based combat uses a turn-based initiative system to create intriguing tactical battles. Your party will be composed of a cast of compelling characters who will add to the game’s story as much as they do your prowess in combat, interjecting themselves in your conversations with NPCs to create a rich tapestry of conversational options and outcomes.

Expect to encounter an intricately crafted world, steeped in history and brought to life through a carefully crafted atmosphere and the trials and tribulations of stories of the people that inhabit it. It is a world where your decisions will have real weight and consequence – in conversation, combat, crafting and every other aspect of this old-school RPG created by a studio with a true passion for the genre.

“We are delighted to finally be able to give players their first look at Vendir: Plague of Lies,” said Emir Kuljanin, CEO and Co-Founder at Early Morning Studio. “We love old-school RPGs and we’ve learnt a lot through the titles we’ve already released and the fantastic reception they’ve had. Bringing that knowledge to Vendir, our biggest project to date, we are confident that we can exceed the high standard we’ve already set with our past titles.”

Vendir: Plague of LiesTo wishlist on Steam visit: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1478850/Vendir_Plague_of_Lies/
To pre-order on Google Play: https://play.google.com/stor/apps/details?id=com.earlymorningstudio.vendirplagueoflies

Early Morning Studio
Twitter: https://twitter.com/earlymorningstu
Website: https://earlymorningstudio.com/

About Early Morning Studio
Founded in 2010, Early Morning Studio is a Swedish indie developer with a passion for creating high quality old-school RPG games without any hand-holding. Their title Vampire’s Fall: Origins was released on mobile in 2018 to great success which led to its launch on Steam in January, 2020 with a review rating of Very Positive. Early Morning Studio was acquired by Thunderful in 2021 and will continue on its mission of creating high-quality old-school titles with the support of its new partner. For more information, visit: http://earlymorningstudio.com

Media Contact
Plan of Attack on behalf of Early Morning Studio
Jeffrey Matulef (Americas)

Chris Clarke (EU & Oceania)